Tuesday, July 13, 2010

When I close my eyes I can dream..

I can imagine a place full of happiness

I can paint the picture till its perfect

And when it dries I can look beyond it till I'm pleased

For when I close my eyes I can dream

It is where my mind floats to, it is what my heart seeks

Sometimes I imagine a place where the sun never ceases

The oceans are wide, deep blue, great just like in the movies

In my dreams I see the children dancing, they are the seeds of this earth.

So when I dream what does it mean?

I dream for hope, a change in circumstance

I dream, while I pray I ask for peace

I imagine my thoughts becoming reality, so when I close my eyes I feel free

In these dreams there are no limitations, everything is alive, I think therefore I am

I know what I must be.

I use my imagination to first of all create a scene, then I add and subtract till I establish meaning

If I had my way everything in life would be perfect, but its okay because I see perfection in my dreams

It feels good to know that I can dream

So ill dream for today, and ill dream for tomorrow, as I sit back and watch my future unfold!

Please do not disturb.. I'm dreaming!

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